- Article 1 Point of sale: The articles may only be displayed for sale at the delivery address. Fixed damages are agreed of 200 Euro per article, displayed and/or offered for sale at a different address. The same damages are payable in the case of resale to another dealer. The customer agrees, likewise under penalty of the aforesaid damages, not to sell the articles below the recommended selling price. The amount of damages is invoiced to the customer and is subject to our current, general terms of settlement.
- Article 2 Orders, delivery times, deliveries: By concluding an order the customer agrees to take delivery. Delivery times are indicated for your information only and are not binding. Any possible delay at delivery can give no cause for damages, nor annulment of the order. Delivered goods are not taken back.
- Article 3 Agents: Transactions brought off by our agents, are only val id alter approval by the company.
- Article 4 Promotional materials: Promotional materials, that are put at the customer's disposal, remain the property of the company; the customer is obliged to return these materials at the first request. All recovery casts are to be borne by the customer.
- Article 5 Prices: Dur prices are without obligations and include no transport casts or taxes.
- Article 6 Payment, interest, damages: A) Payment of invoiced amounts should take place in Kortrijk within 30 days alter the date of the invoice, without any discount or settlement per contra B) If the term of payment is exceeded, an interest is payable of 1 % a month; part of a month moreover counts as a whole month. C) If and as soon as the term of payment is exceeded by more than 20 days, the invoiced sum is increased by 10%, as agreed damages, with a minimum of 40 Euro. D) Interest and damages are payable, ipso jure, merely owing to expiry of the term and as a consequence, without any formal notice being required. E)Delivered goods remain the property of the company until payment in full of the invoices.
- Article 7 Complaints and liability: The merchandise travels at the risk of the consignee, in the case of delivery and returns toa. Complaints should be submitted in writing not later than 8 days alter the date of delivery. Failing this, any right to complaint lapses. Complaints concerning any delivery give no entitlement to non-payment or postponement of any bill.
- Article 8 Imitation of models: Any form of imitation, in the widest sense of the word, directly or indirectly, is strictly forbidden. 11 is agreed between the parties and this by way of an irreducible penalty clause and with enforcement of C.C. article 1152, that damages of 620 Euro shall be payable per copy resulting from imitation.
- Article 9 Derogatory clauses: The conditions applicable to our operations and business can only be departed from with our express permission in writing. Distinct from these conditions, those of our customers or others, are inval id, on any grounds whatsoever and in the widest sense of the word and for us, not binding.
- Article 10 Disputes: In case of disputes only the courts of the administrative district of Kortrijk are competent. Only the Belgian Law is applicable.
- Article 11: By placing an order in person, the customer agrees to the stated conditions.